Sunday, February 5, 2012

Selection of Exhibited Work

"Passion" Silk Fusion on hand dyed cotton, mounted on hand dyed silk twill. Exhibited in "Common Threads" at Claypool Yoing Art Gallery, Morehead State University, June 2011.

"Within the Stone" Art Cloth 8' x 45" hand dyed silk/cotton blend. Exhibited at Fabrics 2010, Quilt Surface Design Symposium, Columbus, Ohio. One of a three fabric collection awarded Best of Show.

"Red She Said" Art Cloth 8' x 45" hand dyed silk/cotton blend. Part exhibited fabric collection at Fabrics 2010.

"Bluebells and Fiddleheads" Art Quilt. Exhibited in Bluegrass Biennial at Morehead State University 2010 and selected for exhibit for the Kentucky Guild 50th Anniversary Exhibit at Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft in Louisville, KY August/September 2011.
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